Kleurenkaart Sepia + kleurnamen

1 - jet black
1B - off black
2 - dark brown
4 - medium dark brown
6 - medium chestnut brown
8 - light chestnut brown
10 - medium golden brown
12 - light golden brown
14 - medium ash blonde
16 - honey blonde
18 - dark ash blonde
22 - champagne blonde
24 - golden blonde
27 - strawberry blonde
30 - light auburn
33 - dark auburn
96 - sandy blonde with french vanilla tip
130 - copper red
280 - off black with 10% gray
345 - burnt orange
613 - french vanilla blonde (NL= lichtblond)
1001 - white
10/12/27HL - light chestnut brown mixed with light golden brown highlighted strawberry blonde
12/613HL - light golden brown highlighted with french vanilla blonde
14/22/16 - medium ash blonde mixed with honey blonde and champagne blonde
145C - mixed burnt orange with strawberry blonde
16/22HL - honeyblonde highlighted with champagne blonde
1B - off black
1B/613HL - off black highlighted with french vanilla blonde
2(30+145T) - dark brown highlighted with light auburn and dark burnt orange
24B - butterscotch creme blonde (champagne blonde blended with light strawberry blonde)
24B/613 - french vanilla blonde highlighted with butterscotch creme blonde
24B27C - butterscotch creme blonde swirled with strawberry blonde
24BT102 - butterscotch creme blonde swirled with dark and blonde
24BT18 - butterscotch creme blonde swirled with dark ash blonde
26T8 - light ash blonde blend with light chestnut brown
27A/33 - dark auburn mixed with ash strawberry blonde
27C/29 - strawberry blonde mixed with light blondes and light auburn
27W - strawberry blonde mixed with light copper red
33/27T - dark auburn mixed with strawberry blonde and tpped strawberry blonde
6/27/30HL - medium chestnut brown swirled with light auburn and strawberry blonde highlights
61.LG26/24 - french vanilla mixed with light ash blonde and champagne blonde
613W - french vanilla blonde mixed with light strawberry blonde
8/12/24BHL - light chestnut brown swirled with light golden brown and champagne blonde
8/12/27HL - light chestnut brown swirled with light golden brown highlighted strawberry blonde
96HL27HL24 - sandy blonde with french vanilla tip swirled in champagne blonde
A144 - champagne blonde mixed with light burnt orange
CANCY BLONDE - french vanilla blonde mixed with light strawberry blonde
CAPPUCCINO - medium chestnut brown swirled with dark chestnut brown
F10/22 - medium golden brown frosted with champagne blonde
F16/18 - honey blonde frosted with dark ash blonde
F16/24 - honey blonde frosted with champagne blonde
F18/22 - dark ash blonde frosted with champagne blonde
F27/613 - french vanilla blonde frosted with strawberry blonde
HL2/350 - dark chestnut brown highlighted with light copper red
HL30/130 - light auburn highlighted with copper red
HL33/130 - dark auburn highlighted with copper red
HL39/130 - copper red highlighted with deep burgundy red
HL4/12 - medium dark brown highlighted with light golden brown
HL4/27 - medium dark brown highlighted with strawberry blonde
HL4/30 - medium dark brown highlighted with light auburn
HL4/33 - medium dark brown highlighted with dark auburn
HL4/BUR - medium dark brown highlighted with burgundy
LG26 - ash french vanilla with hint of light strawberry blonde
M1B/613 - off black mixed with french vanilla blonde
M4/30 - medium dark brown mixed with light auburn
M6/27 - medium chestnut brown mixed with strawberry blonde
P6/27 - medium chestnut brown highlighted with strawberry blonde
RS29 - candy blonde swirled with strawberry blonde and medium auburn
RS30 - light auburn swirled with dark chestnut brown and light golden strawberry blonde
T16/613 - honey blonde mixed and tipped with french vanilla blonde
T2/130 - dark brown mixed and tipped with copper red
T2/27 - dark brown mixed and tipped with strawberry blonde
T2/30 - dark brown mixed and tipped with light auburn
T2/33 - dark brown mixed and tipped with dark auburn
T2/350 - dark brown mixed and tipped with light copper red
T27/24 - golden blonde mixed and tipped with strawberry blonde
T27/613 - strawberry blonde mixed and tipped with french vanilla blonde
T4/30 - medium dark brown mixed and tipped with light auburn
T3/BUR - medium dark brown mixed and tipped with burgundy
TH12/26 - light golden brown swirled with ash french vanilla blonde
T - tipped (mixed on top and tipped at bottom)
HL - high lighted (Streaks)
M - Mixed or Blended (Uniform mix not streaks)
F - Frosted (Uniform streaks, side by side colors)